Award laureates
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Award laureates
Kovalets Olga Yakivna, 4-th year student, FBT (Kyiv Mayor Award).
Victoria M. Melnik, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor (Award of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for young scientists for a cycle of works).
Shybetskyy Vladislav Yuryevich, 4-th year student, FBT (Kyiv Mayor Award).
Dashevskaya Lyudmila Mikolayevna, 4-th year student, FBT (Kyiv Mayor Award).
Voronets Jana Mikolayevna, 6-th year student, FBT (Kyiv Mayor Award)
Kladun Elena Anatolievna, Postgraduate (Prize of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for young scientists for a cycle of works).
Natalia Mikhailenko Mikhaylivna, 6-th year student, FBT (Rector of NTU "KPI" Award).
Krivets Alexey Olexandrovich, 4-th year student, FBT (Rector of NTU "KPI" Award).
Kuzmenko Katerina Vasilivna, 4-th year student, FBT (Rector of NTU "KPI" Award).
Kovalets Olga Yakivna, Postgraduate (Diploma of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for a series of scientific papers).
Krivets Alexey Olexandrovich, 5-th year student, FBT (Kyiv Mayor Award).
Kovalets Olga Yakivna, Postgraduate (Award of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for young scientists for a series of scientific papers).
Students Fomenkova A., Berezyuk I., Murashko M. awarded by the Diploma of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Kostyk Sergii I., Ph.D., Assistant Department (Diploma of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for the scientific work "The study heat-and-mass transfer and hydrodynamics dehydration thermally labile materials into the rotary tape machine").
An article in the newspaper "Kyiv Polytechnic", which is dedicated to rewarding Kostyk S.
Shybetskyy Vladislav Y., PhD, Assistant Professor Department (Diploma of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for scientific work: "Reducing technological risks hypersonic suborbital and TERRA-atmospheric air navigation").