Scientific work
Information about Research Department of Engineering and Bioengineering
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Information about Research Department of Engineering and Bioengineering
Scientific schools and projects:
Scientific School under the guidance of prof. Karachun V.V. and prof. Melnyk V.M. "Noise and vibration". Vibration plane and shell fragments under kinematic wave and spatial factors. Terms of origins of the wave coincidence and spatial-frequency resonances. Implementation of acoustically-transparent structures.
Scientific seminars, operating in department:
- “Dynamics of multiphase mechanical systems” officials - prof. Karachun V.V., prof. Melnyk V.M.
- “Dynamics of mass transfer in apparatus for culturing cells" officials - prof. Ruzhinska L.I., Assoc. Burtna I.A.
The scientific work of students
All students of the department take part in the section "Biotechnics and Engineering" within the scientific conference "Day of Science at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Bioengineering." Students participating in conferences and seminars, including international conferences and seminars:
1) International Youth Scientific and Practical Conference "Human and Space", Dnepropetrovsk
2) Scientific-practical conference "Instrument: Status and Prospects"
3) Materials International Scientific Conf. "Modern scientific achievements of 2007". - T. 7. technical sciences. - Dnepropetrovsk: Science and Education
4) MaterialyczwartejMiedzynarodowwejnaukowi-prakt. konf. “Nauka: teoria i praktika -2007”. Tym 10. Techniczne Nauks. Fizyczna kultura I sport: Przemysl. Nauka I studya.
5) International Scientific Conf. "The formation of modern science-2007"
6) The conference "Science and Innovation" 2007
7) International scientific conference "Scientific progress on the turn of the millennium - 2008;
8) 21st International CODATA Conferense. Scientific Information for Society – from Today to the Future. Ukraine, Kyiv, Octoder 5-8, 2008.
9) IV Mezinarodny vedecko-praklicka konferen-ce “Aktualne problemy no-woczesnych nauk-2008”, 16 -31 czerwna 2008 roku. Technike vedy. Tym. 18. Prremysl. Nauka I studia Publishing House “Education and Science-2008”.
10) IV Mezinarodnyvedecko-praklickakonfe-rence“Efektivninastrojemodernichved- 2008”, 03-15 kvetna2008 roku. Tech-nike vedy. Dil. 17. Pracha. Publishing House “Educa-tion and Science-2008.
11) IV International scientific-practical conference "Dynamics study 2008", Volume 29 technology. Physics. Sofia. "Byal GRAD-BG" OOD, 2008.
12) IV International scientific-practical conference "Scientific space in Europe 2008", 15-30 aprl 2008 first-Din. Technology. 27. Tom Sofia, "Byal GRAD-BG" OOD, 2008.
13) X International Youth Scientific and Practical Conference "Human and Space", 9-11 April 2008 - Dnepropetrovsk: NAECUY.